6976 件中 281 ~ 300 件目を表示
資料番号 | 著者名 | 刊行年 | 書名 | 詳細 |
3482 | Bengtson, Peter | 1983.1 | The Cenomanian-Turonian ammonite succession of Sergipe, Brazil, and the question of the stage bou... | 詳細 |
3480 | Bengtson, Peter | 1985.1 | Catalogue of Upper Cretaceous ammonites (Lethaia forum) | 詳細 |
3471 | Bengtson, Peter | 1986 | Venezuelan ammonites on display : O. Renz 1982: The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela (Book review) | 詳細 |
3469 | Bengtson, Peter | 1986.04 | Another Mesozoic instalment (Lethaia reviews): Moullade, M. & Nairn, A.E.M. (eds.) The Phanerozoi... | 詳細 |
3470 | Bengtson, Peter | 1987 | The ammonite fauna and genesis of a Mid-Cretaceous siliceous oolite from the Alagoas Basin, Brazil | 詳細 |
3475 | Bengtson, Peter | 1987.? | Ammonite dating of the earliest marine transgression in northeastern Brazil | 詳細 |
3481 | Bengtson, Peter | 1987.09 | Fossilium catalogus ammonoidea neocretacea : bibliography. Supplement 1 | 詳細 |
3459 | Bengtson, Peter | 1988 | Open nomenclature | 詳細 |
3452 | Bengtson, Peter | 1994.11 | Biostratigraphie und Paläontologie des James-Ross-Beckens, Antarktische Halbinsel | 詳細 |
3450 | Bengtson, Peter | 1995 | The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in Northeastern Brazil : a progress report | 詳細 |
3448 | Bengtson, Peter | 1996.02 | Cretaceous ammonites of Brazil | 詳細 |
3449 | Bengtson, Peter | 1996.02 | Biogeography of Cretaceous ammonites : a review of procedures and patterns, exemplified by the ge... | 詳細 |
3782 | Ben'yamobskii (Беньямовский, В. Н.) | 1982 | К истории развития Востчного Прикаспия в позднемеловую эпоху | 詳細 |
3027 | Berg, H. C. | 1972 | Gravina-Nutzotin belt : tectonic significance of an Upper Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic seque... | 詳細 |
5369 | Berg-Madsen, Vivianne | 1981.01 | World directory of palaeontologists (Lethaia forum) | 詳細 |
1312 | Bergner, H. D. | 1982.12 | Kondensationserscheinungen in der marokkanischen und alpinen Mittelkreide (Apt, Alb) | 詳細 |
3537 | Bergström, Jan | 1973 | An extension of Upper Cretaceous rocks to the Swedish west coast at Särdal | 詳細 |
5864 | Bernárdez, Enrique | 1993 | Macrofauna de invertebrados del Cretácico superior de la Depresión Central Asturiana | 詳細 |
4890 | Bernoulli, Daniel | 1970.07 | Jurassic carbonate facies and new ammonite faunas from western Greece | 詳細 |
3447 | Berrones, Gerardo | 199-.? | Stratigraphy of the "Celica-Lancones Basin"(southewestern Ecuador-northwestern Peru) : tectonic i... | 詳細 |
6976 件中 281 ~ 300 件目を表示