6976 件中 6801 ~ 6820 件目を表示
資料番号 | 著者名 | 刊行年 | 書名 | 詳細 |
1236 | Yang, Seong-Young (梁承榮) | 1991.12 | On the shell structures of the bivalve fossils from the Upper Mesozoic Gyeongsang Group, Korea | 詳細 |
5536 | Yang, Seong-Young (梁承榮) | 1995 | Flamingo and duck-like bird tracks from the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary : evidence and imp... | 詳細 |
1230 | Yang, Seong-Young (梁承榮) | 1997 | Cretaceous bird tracks of Korea | 詳細 |
7114 | Yano, Takao | 1995 | Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous arch tectonics in East Asian continental margin | 詳細 |
7251 | Yao, Akira (八尾昭) | 1982 | トリアス紀・ジュラ紀の放散虫タイムスケジュール(西南日本のジュラ紀変動/3) | 詳細 |
7234 | Yao, Akira (八尾昭) | 1984.03 | Subdivision of the Mesozoic complex in Kii-Yura area, southwest Japan and its bearing on the Meso... | 詳細 |
7113 | Yasuda, Hisato (安田尚登) | 1986.06 | Cretaceous and Paleocene foraminifera from northern Hokkaido, Japan | 詳細 |
3504 | Yazykova (Языкова, Е. А.) | 2001 | Некторые раннемеловые аммониты Сихотэ-Алиня | 詳細 |
3508 | Yazykova (Языкова, Е. А.) | 2002.03 | Ammonite and inoceramid radiations after the Santonian-Campanian bioevent in Sakhalin, Far East R... | 詳細 |
5539 | Yehara, Shingo | 1924 | On the Izumi-Sandstone Group in the Onogawa-Basin (Prov. Bungo) and the same group in Uwajima (Pr... | 詳細 |
5506 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1956 | Neogene basaltic activities in western Taiwan and their stratigraphic significance | 詳細 |
4213 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1956.09 | 臺灣之中生代地層問題 | 詳細 |
5507 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1963.12 | Major geological, geophysical and geochemical features of Taiwan | 詳細 |
5531 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1964.03 | Distribution of Miocene formations within the Paleogene terrane of northern Taiwan | 詳細 |
5510 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1966.04 | Glaucophane schist of Taiwan | 詳細 |
5511 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1966.04 | Occurrence of celadonite and zeolites in the pyroclastics of the Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan | 詳細 |
5530 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1967.02 | Structural analysis of the Tananao Schist of Taiwan | 詳細 |
5512 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1967.04 | A geologic consideration on the basic and ultrabasic plutonic rocks of the Coastal Range, eastern... | 詳細 |
5509 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1967.12 | A geologic consideration on the Taitung valley, eastern Taiwan | 詳細 |
5513 | Yen, T. P. (顔滄波) | 1968.06 | Volcanic geology of the Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan | 詳細 |
6976 件中 6801 ~ 6820 件目を表示