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2993 件中 61 80 件目を表示

標本番号 学名 模式標本 産 地 地層名 時代詳細
GK-L 15106
Granulifusus dualis (YOKOYAMA)MI-6351, 宮崎県児湯郡上江村兀の下The middle and the upper Takanabe...Lowest and Lower Pliocene詳細
GK-L 15107
Granulifusus dualis (YOKOYAMA)MI-6351, 宮崎県児湯郡上江村兀の下The middle and the upper Takanabe...Lowest and Lower Pliocene詳細
GK-L 15108
Granulifusus dualis (YOKOYAMA)MI-6351, 宮崎県児湯郡上江村兀の下The middle and the upper Takanabe...Lowest and Lower Pliocene詳細
GK-L 15109
Granulifusus dualis (YOKOYAMA)MI-6351, 宮崎県児湯郡上江村兀の下The middle and the upper Takanabe...Lowest and Lower Pliocene詳細
GK-L 4001
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...HolotypeMI-160, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町川原田The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4002
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-1334, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町灰野The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4003
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-160, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町川原田The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4004
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-178, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町楠見...The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4005
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-161, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町赤谷1The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4006
Paphia (Paphia) exilis taka...ParatypeMI-820, 宮崎県宮崎郡生目村八重The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4007
Paphia (Paphia) exilis taka...ParatypeMI-671, 宮崎県東諸県郡綾町割付The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4008
Paphia (Paphia) exilis abbr...ParatypeMI-1334, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町灰野The Tano Member, Miyazaki Group, 685lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4009
Paphia (Paphia) exilis abbr...ParatypeMI-1334, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町灰野The Tano Member, Miyazaki Group, 686lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4010
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-1334, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町灰野The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4011
Paphia (Paphia) exilis abbr...ParatypeMI-1334, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町灰野The Tano Member, Miyazaki Group, 687lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4012
Paphia (Paphia) exilis taka...ParatypeMI-820, 宮崎県宮崎郡生目村八重The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4013
Paphia (Paphia) hirabayashi...ParatypeMI-903, 宮崎県宮崎郡田野町仮屋原The Tano Member, Miyazaki Grouplower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4014
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-770, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町赤谷2The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4015
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-157, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町狩野The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細
GK-L 4016
Paphia (Paphia) exilis exil...ParatypeMI-770, 宮崎県東諸県郡高岡町赤谷2The Tano and the Boroishi Members...lower Upper Miocene詳細

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